D. El Parque Nacional Yellowstone pronto estará bajo un nuevo liderazgo
- Interruption in the genetic flow between separated groups
- The emergence of new mutations in each of the groups, and their accumulation in time. Slow and gradual differentiation between populations.
- Genetic divergence by natural selection and reproductive isolation
- Prezigotic isolation mechanisms
Allopatric speciation consists of the geographic separation of a continuous genetic background that can give place to two or more new geographically isolated populations. These separations might be due to migration, extinction of geographically intermediate populations, or geological events. In this speciation, some barriers impede genetic interchange, or genetic flux, as the two new groups that are separated can not get together and mate anymore. These barriers might be geographical or ecological.
The process of allopatric speciation involves different steps that affect organisms:
- The emergence of the barrier.
- Interruption in the genetic interchange
- The occurrence of new mutations and their accumulation in time in each population. Slow and gradual differentiation.
- Genetic divergence by natural selection and reproductive isolation makes it impossible for the two groups to mate even if the barrier disappears.
- Prezigotic isolation mechanisms will be favored by selection if occurs a secondary contact between the new species in formation.
Gametes are the only haploid cells
- Bird wings and dragonfly wings are both used for flight: Analogous structure
- Clams and snails both have similar muscle structure even though the muscles do different jobs: Homologous structure
- Human and giraffe necks both have 7 vertebrae because we are related: Homologous structure
- The flaps of a Venus flytrap have a similar makeup to oak leaves: Homologous structure
Analogous structures are similar structures that have the same or similar functions in unrelated organisms. Analogous structures aren't the result of evolutionary relationships among organisms (i.e., they were not inherited from a common ancestor). On the other hand, homologous structures are structures inherited from a common ancestor. Homologous structures may or may not have an identical function, but they are the result of evolutionary relationships among organisms and, therefore, they are genetically related.
The second law of thermodynamics is a statement of the law of conservation of energy say that heat cannot be completely converted into mechanical energy