an employee information from contains <em>key </em><em>information </em><em>on </em><em>employee</em><em> </em>that is used to keep a record of who working for the company, their duration of employment , and in what role. it can also be use as an emergency contact information from in the event of any serious workplace injury.
Here is the answer. When you print it out cut off the sides.
1. Devons
2. Veulent
3. Peux
4. Veut
5. Dois
6. Peut
7. Voulons
8. Devez
9. Peuvent
10. Veux
Have a good day !!
Good luck with your studies !! ;)
The trees along this city street,
Except for traffic and trains, would sound as thin and sweet as trees in country lanes. And people standing in their shadows outside a shower would undoubtedly hear the music as it is made
on a country tree. Oh, little leaves so mute against the howling city air, I watch you when the wind has come, I know what sound is there.
<em>Bonjour ! </em>
<em />
Avant mon dernier voyage, j'étais "nerveux". (masculin/singulier)
Avant mon dernier voyage, j'étais "nerveuse". (féminin/singulier)
L'imparfait est utilisé pour une description, parler d'une habitude, d'une action en progression dans le passé.