C. Sarah pense faire du vélo ce weekend.
In this sentence Sarah is thinking of biking. I'm French and am also fluent in French. This sentence best answers the question.
For the man: (High to low)
1. Des lunettes
2. La chemise
3. La cravate
4. La ceinture
5. La boucle
6. Le pantalon
7. Les souliers (Laces- Le lacet)
For the woman: (High to low)
1. La barrette ou la pince à cheveux
2. Le collier
3. Le cardigan ou la chemise ou le pull-over
4. Le bouton
5. Le bracelet
6. Le sac à main
7. La jupe
8. Les chaussures plates
Hope this helped!
1. chimie
3. Varsovie
4. dés études
5. Yvonne Sylvain
i don't know the answer to number 2 sorry