God does not condone this in any way, and this is well established in his word; the bible.
A. Three accounts recorded in the bible are:
i. The assault of Dinah by Scechem the son of Hamor (Genesis 34)
ii. The assault of Uriah's wife by David (2 Samuel 11)
iii. The assault of Tarmar by her step brother, Amnon (1 samuel 13)
B. The consequences of each accounts respectively are:
i. Levi and Simeon (Dinah's brothers) killed the perpetrator and his men.
ii. David killed Uriah, the husband of the woman.
iii. Amnon hated his step sister, Tarmar after the act.
C. In the Old testament, the bible equates sexual assault to murder and gave a divine verdict of death.
If you found information in a book as well as a website then use both. dont erase the page number cause you never know what youll need it for. sence your using a website youshould give cretit to the places you got your information from and the pae number will count as a resource so i would prefer you to keep it.
you kinda worded it weird so if my answer doesnt help then im sorry.
Sorrow for sin, isolation, and secret sin.
To make readers understand the significance of the black veil.