The reasons are that Rehoboam attempted to continue his father, Solomon's unwise policy of swinging taxes and then arrogantly increased them when the Israelites complained. In a very short time, the Israelites rebelled and split from Israel, forming their own kingdom called Israel.
The two parts of the continent start to move away from each other
causing rifting of the continental plate, the center or the rift becomes thinner, weaker and starts to sag. The basin area in the middle which has sagged is usually filled up with water, forming a sea. (e.g. the red sea)
The thinner plate in the center then becomes oceanic crust from this, and in the center a new constructive plate boundary is formed. <span>The plates continue to move apart from one another and magma erupts from the constructive/divergent plate boundary, producing new oceanic crust formed mainly of basalt.</span>
The correct option is C.
The people that are living outside of USA can not participate in the elections that vote in the congress men and the president. This is because, they are outsiders and they have no right to have any say in the matters that concern the USA government. <span />
Dont know if it is correct