Georges Méliès made his short film <em>Le Voyage Dans la Lune</em> (better known in English as <em>A Trip to the Moon</em>) in 1902.
I might have to watch the movie soon… I didn't even <em>know</em> it was there! I remember stumbling upon an article about this film and knew it was made in the 1900s or 1910s, but I had to query real quick to make sure I knew the year.
It also seems that the correct spelling of his name is Georges Méliès. He was a film pioneer and <em>stage</em> <em>magician</em>. That was… interesting, but it makes sense in hindsight.
What really sticks in my mind about that film was the image of the victory parade at the end and the moon with a telescope in its eye that got hit by the spaceship. That must've hurt bad!
Well, anyways, have a great day! Hope this helps you!