Exposition: The part of the plot that provides the reader with background information introducing the setting, characters, and main conflicts. The exposition usually occurs at the beginning of a novel or story and may be short or long. the start of the story, the situation before the action starts. It provides background information about characters and circumstances or explains relationships.
Rising Action: The part of the plot where the round characters are developed, the conflicts are increased and acted out in many ways, motives are introduced, things happen; generally, the major part of a novel or story. Rising action includes the series of events (usually the conflicts or struggles of the protagonist) that increase tension, propel the plot forward, and lead to the climax of the story.
Climax: The part of the plot that is the point of greatest tension in a work of literature and the turning point in the action or plot; it is the most intense moment – either mentally or in action. In a plot line, the climax occurs after the rising action and before the falling action.
A letter has been written by her
it seems to be asking for you to explain an issue that you disagree with and want to be fixed, like racism or homophobia. The second part is sayibg would you devote yourself to a cause like joining a anti-racist group and protesting or raising awarness for example- just pick a topic you disagree with and why
Perhaps, Jefferson is the best spokesman that speak about American Ideals of equality and liberty.
No one should be immune to the law because if there is an existence of someone that is above the law, a true equality would never be achieved
hope this helps
1. pets
2. boxes
3. dishes
4. glasses
6. lunches
When there is a plural of a word, it means there is multiple of it. We can write a plural with a s at the end, however when you write a plural, interpret it to make sure it makes sense.
For example, dishs does not look right or make sense, so we can add an es, instead of an s.