Personification is going to be your answer. Don't read the rest because I am only doing this to reach the max character needed.
Five examples of questions:
Dost thou know who made thee? (from "The Lamb")
Little Lamb who made thee? (from "The Lamb")
What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? (From "The Tyger")
In what distant deeps or skies,/ Burnt the fire of thine eyes? (from "The Tyger")
On what wings dare he aspire?/ What the hand, dare seize the fire? (from "The Tyger")
The tone of "The Lamb" is quiet. It asks the questions in a polite and gentle way. It is beautiful and innicent. On the opposite side, "The Tyger" has a tone full of fear and force.
4. The health department reported that some people have gotten sick after swimming in the pool.
In his letter to the local city council, Anson voiced his concern over the safety of the pool and why it needs more time to be deemed safe to open. And according to him, if that 'missing' safety concern is taken care of, then the pool may be opened and safe.
Considering that he wrote <em>"Waiting until this safety problem is solved is the best thing you can do for the people of our community"</em>, I think the best statement that can be added is about the health issue with the pool. It is also the only reasonable statement to be added to the text.
Thus, the correct answer is option 4.
Tone is the feeling the reader gets about the way the author would tell his or her story while mood is the feeling the reader gets when reading the story.