Scott Joplin was the one who introduced the piano works in the style known as Ragtime that flourished along the Mississippi River in the late 19th<span> century and endured as a prominent piano style until the end of World War I. An article in the Sedalia Times recognized him as "The Rag Time King" and it was written that his work is used by the leading players and orchestras.</span>
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle: Muckraking the Meat-Packing Industry. Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle to expose the appalling working conditions in the meat-packing industry. His description of diseased, rotten, and contaminated meat shocked the public and led to new federal food safety laws.
Crossing the Rubicon
Julius Ceasar served as governor over the region of Southern Gaul to Illyricum. After he completed his reign as governor, he was instructed by the Senate in Rome to return to Rome, leaving his army behind.
Julius Ceasar did just the opposite because after he completed his tenure, he went along with his soldiers to cross the Rubicon river which was at the boundary of Italy. This act was considered treasonable by the Senate in Rome. It was also considered a declaration of war. Julius Ceasar eventually won the Civil war which protected him from punishment.
Back in 1615 when it was widely accepted that the earth was the center of the galaxy, Galileo discovered that we revolved around the sun in year long cycles along with other planetary objects. He was put in house arrest for 9 years because of this because it was considered a heresy. He also invented the telescope and was the first to observe the largest of Jupiter's moons.