Flat bottomed boats, Carts driven by animals, and Seagoing vessels.
Originating out of a violent civil war, the shogunate was successful because they used force to rule Japan.
The Shogunate was the form of government that ruled Japan for nearly 700 years. The shogun had de facto power, although Japan has always had an emperor. Together with the Imperial court, the Shogunate formed a parallel power structure, with the Shogun as the military leader alongside the imperial state structure. Over time, the Imperial court would have to relinquish more and more power and the Shogunate would become Japan's most powerful organization.
There was no '' west '' but people from the south considered it a northern problem. Because in 1812 in American '' west '' only reached as far as the Mississippi River
The first Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain after 1750. There were several factors that combined to make Great Britain an ideal place for industrialization. First, the Agricultural Revolution of the 18th century created a favorable climate for industrialization.
New Orleans was at the time one of the biggest ports of slave trading. This allowed the US to trade goods and sell. This made it necessary to attain it