The answer depends on whose side you were on. The crusades were a time of much death, hardships and poverty on all sides as in all wars.
In Europe, most of the important people across the lands joined the crusades and travelled to the middle east to fight and "reclaim the holy land". Due to this large exodus, much of the wealth went with it, never to return and Europe became more lawless and poverty-stricken as a result.
I hope this helps:
The wave of exploration that began with Columbus’ voyage in 1492 didn’t take long to reach the land that is now Texas. Spain’s conquest of the Americas began on a series of islands in what is now the Caribbean Sea. New colonial cities on those islands soon became hubs for exploration of the mainland. By 1519, exploration had turned to conquest in what is now Mexico, when Hernán Cortés landed on the Yucatán peninsula then pushed inland to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.