I don’t understand what you’re asking! But when referring to weather you could say things like “hace buen tiempo”
the answer is mujer in translation
a) Marta prepara el trabajo de Ciencias
b) Mi madre hace chocolate para merendar
c) Carmen y Andrés organizan una fiesta sorpresa, creo que va a ser superdivertida
d) Yo veo mi programa favorito
e) Habla más alto porque el abuelo no te oye nada, es que está un poco sordo.
PD: Hey! So I'm not pretty sure what is present participle but I'm a native spanish speaker and I think this are the correct answers! Bye, have a great day!! <3
If julio verne ubiera used units whether which title would have given his book 20000 leagues under the sea express using whole numbers using the unit of if more large