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Some people in fashion think that clothing expresses perfectly the ideas of the maker. Others believe it exactly represents the point of view of the wearer. Like art, fashion reflects well the vision of the artist using the wearer as a living canvas. As a mode of self-expression, fashion can reflect the personal ideologies, values, and affiliations of the wearer. Some exception pieces of clothing are more unique than the clothing seen in a tradition fashion runway. There are various awards and gallery shows that recognize brightly artists who create conceptual pieces of well, wearable art. These pieces are usually not intended to be worn by everyday people in everyday situations but are one-of-a-kind creations praised for artistic concept rather than fashionable practicality.
- "I would explain to him that while collecting coins is his hobby, I have other hobbies of my own which includes hiking and bike racing.
- I do not find the collection of coins as a fun thing to do in my pass time as it does not pump my adrenaline the way bike racing and hiking does.
- I am sure that my father would understand my decision to follow what makes me happy, the same way he does what makes him happy, which is collecting coins."
- The above is the template that you can use to write your essay to make your argument as to why you cannot do what your father wants you to do.
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