In general when they need to get done with their basic requirements or their needs they fight for that if the authority didn't respond proply..
sequence like salary incresment.
then the Labour union strikes to win their requirement.
Taxes were added on each article passing through the area
<span>The Progressives believed then as they do today, that this rapidly changing society required the establishment of a “new order”. Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, John Dewey and Charles Merriam were early political leaders of the movement.
Below are </span><span>convictions did progressive reformers share
</span><span>1)believed that industrialization and urbanization had produced serious social disorders, from city slums to corporate abuses, 2)they believed that new ideas and methods were required to correct these problems, 3)they rejected the ideology of individualism in favor of broader concepts of social responsibility, and sought to achieve social order through organization and efficiency, and 4)they believed that government itself, as the organized agent of public responsibility, should address social and economic problems</span>
rhodopsin are the rod cells in the retina contain a light absorbing pigment...
Hope it helps