In this sentence, unnoticeable is a(n) synonym of unobtrusive.
In this sentence, authorize is a(n) synonym of permit.
In this sentence, included is a(n) antonym of excluded.
<u>Synonyms are different words that possess the same or, at least, very similar meanings. </u>In the sentences we are analyzing here, unnoticeable and unobtrusive convey very similar ideas. They describe someone who is not conspicuous, who does not attract attention to himself. The same goes for permit and authorize. They are synonyms because they both convey the idea of allowing someone to do something.
<u>Antonyms, on the other hand, are words that possess opposite meanings or that convey ideas that contradict each other.</u> That is what we have with include and exclude. If you include someone, that means you are counting that person in; it means the person is participating. If you exclude someone, that person cannot participate.