Answer: A reversing entry: <em><u>"is the exact opposite of an adjusting entry made in a previous period.".</u></em>
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Explanation: Reversion entries are an end-of-the-year technique that involves the reversal, on the first day of the new accounting period, of those end-of-year adjustment entries that cause expenses or income and therefore will result in payments or cash receipts. Its purpose is to allow company personnel to record routine transactions in a standard manner without referring to previous adjustment entries.
My dream business is organic poultry farming.
It is my hobby to have different types of hen breeds. So I would like to invest in my hobby. I would like to have breeds of organic hens that will lay more eggs. I will also invest in fancy chickens which are widely used as pet in backyards.
It has great potential for growth, as people are nowadays moving towards organic foods. The organic poultry market has grown from $7.5 billions to $7.7 billions from 2019 to 2020. The growth recorded is almost 2% despite the breakout of virus. People would like to buy fancy chickens as pets because they lay eggs and look cute in the backyards.
The return on fancy chicken breed is much higher than an ordinary chicken breed that only lays egg. I will start from 1500 baby chickens and will around 50 chicken tractors in a large 8 kanal area. This chicken tractors will help me to keep the death rate of the chickens low and are helpful in lowering the spread of diseases. Furthermore, it is moveable which means my chickens will have fresh grass to eat.
I will buy a small van that will be helpful in managing the delivery of food requirement and egg supply to my customers. To lower the cost of organic feed I will grow many types of plants, herbs, grass, etc in the 8 kanal area that will meet the protien requirements of the chickens. I will also water the land daily so that the waste of the chickens are accessed very quickly to plants.
Their many other tactics that could be used like leasing the land for 2 years because it will lower the investment required, plantation of plants that will grow its value over time, use of thick sheets that will protect chickens from and use of thin sheet that will protect them from mosquitos, etc.
<em>Note:</em> <u>I wasn't able to access complete questions so I think the above explanation of business idea will be very helpful for you to construct a business plan.</u>
If you find the answer very helpful then don't forget to rate it. Thanks
The answer is: D) Fire the player. The team may suffer financially at first, but if the public has faith in the organization, the team and the league will benefit in the long run. If the owner keeps the tape a secret and the public finds out about his actions, the team - and society - will suffer harm from the loss of public trust.
Akers firmly believed that ethics were fundamental to economic competitiveness. He argued that without ethical behavior, individuals, corporations and society as a whole couldn´t be economically competitive.
So in this case, he would have simply terminated the player´s contract without regarding any of the potential downsides for the team.
<span>The answer to this question is letter C.
According to Maslow, employees motivated by a strong need for recognition and continuously seek credit for contributions to the organization, are motivated by Esteem category of needs.
</span>=> physiological needs are describes as the most basic human physical needs, including food, water and oxygen.
=>belongingness category of need is when there is a desire to be accepted by one's peer, have friendships, be part of a group, and be loved.<span>
=></span><span>self-actualization is considered as the highest order of needs.</span>
The answer is: Negative marginal utility means that at some point you will be worst off if you keep consuming extra units of a product. That means that you will stop consuming that product to stop getting worse even if that product is given to you for free.
The law of diminishing marginal utility states that as someone consumes a product, the satisfaction that they get from the product wanes out as they consume more and more of that product. Eventually they wouldn´t get any more satisfaction from consuming that product, they may even get worse if they consume more of that product (negative marginal utility). At that point they will stop consuming it. They will either change to some other substitute product or not consume at all.
A great example for this is an all you can eat buffet. A person eats until they are full. They may eat a lot, but eventually they will stop eating even if the extra food is "free" or already paid for.