A silent partner
A silent partner is a partner whose liability is limited to the amount invested in the project. Also, a limited partner hardly takes part in the day to day running of the business.
I hope my answer helps you
Check the answers below
- The per instrument cost of the bank is $0.25. Assuming uniform cheque value, the 24 million remittances across 10000 cheque will mean per cheque value of 2400. If this amount can be invested at 8% p.a., then daily investment income will be approx = 2400 * 8% /365 = $ 0.526
- Now for the company to jus about cover the cost of the cheque processing, the time should reduce by (assuming fractional time in days is possible) 0.25/0.526 = 0.48 days
- Now if the interest that can be earned reduces to 4%, the average daily interest will also reduce to $0.263. At this level, the time required to cover the cost should reduce by 0.95 days
The difference is simply because the opportunity cost in terms of alternate usage of funds has decreased for the company.
2 Days
First, there is the need to rewrite the utility function for clarity
1. The Probability of Falling ill by someone in the family is given as 20%
2. If someone should fall ill, the total number of days that would be spoiled is calculated as:
Total number of vacation= 10 days x Probability to fall ill = 20%
= 10 x 0.2 = 2 days
This means if someone should fall ill based on the probability, then 2 out of the total 10 days can be ruined
3. The number of days for vacation days to enjoy is 10-2 = 8 days
This means if the family gives up 2 days of probable illness, they can still enjoy their vacation.
V= 2 days
3,300 defects
If there are 5 defect opportunities per unit, and 2,000 units were inspected, the number of defects per opportunity observed was:

Therefore, the number of defects per 1 million opportunities (DPMO) is:

The number of defects per 1 million opportunities (DPMO) for this process is 3,300.
Answer:A and C
Interest is compounded in savings accounts and me to reduce the amount that I must deposit today and still have my desired $1 million on the day I retire then I should either, invest in a different account paying a higher rate of interest meaning the invested amount will be compounded at a higher rate thus my initial investment amount requirement reduced. Or, since compounded interest is a function of time, if I retire later, that would mean a longer time for my initial investment to compound to $1 million, thus reducing my initial investment amount requirement.