Through forming labour unions.
With the wake in industrialization in britain, human labour in industries was needed than never before.
However, with time workers realised a number of challenges in their work.
This led to formation of labour unions to fight for their grievances which were:
- Low wages
- Unsafe working conditions.
This started as local unios then to national.
Most of this unions used strikes to prompt employers to meet their wants.
Answer: Local and unique ways of being are increasingly replaced by more homogenized and standard ways of being that are shared across cultures. The world seems smaller because with all of this global integration there is a sameness or familiarity no matter where you are
Option B "Revivals" is the correct option.
- A revival gathering seems to be a sequence or set of worship services organized in Christianity to encourage committed representatives of such a universal church to encourage young adherents.
- Restoring life, awareness, vigor, power, etc. when using, embrace, or currency: reviving ancient traditions.
- An evangelistic operation through a collection of activities aimed at bringing about a religious or moral awakening: conducting a revival.
The other given choices are not related to the given instance. So that option B would be the appropriate choice.
An earlier event that is an example to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
As for that... The Whiskey Rebellion was a tax protest in the United States beginning in 1791 and ending in 1794 during the presidency of George Washington, ultimately under the command of American Revolutionary war veteran Major James McFarlane.
- Sincerely, Ouma