Id say slight. i think thats the closest word that makes sense
Answer: The Human Genome Project will eventually eliminate human disease and human variation in skin color.
Answer: Stanley is arrested, Stanley digs a hole, Stanley's grandfather is cursed, Stanley is proud of himself.
In Chapters 6 and 7 of <em>Holes</em> by <em>Louis Sachar</em>, Stanley was first arrested for ''stealing'' baseball player Clyde Livingston’s sneakers. Stanley is then told to dig a hole which he finds hard at first but continues anyway.
The story then goes to Stanley's great-great-grandfather, Elya Yelnats being cursed for breaking a promise to Madame Zeroni that he would carry her to the top of a mountain and sing to her.
Back to the present, Stanley is still digging and is bleeding from his blisters but keeps going till he finishes and was proud of digging the hole.
Baby bin refers to a safe place where a woman can drop her baby which she want to abandon. Baby bin was invented in order to reduce the habit of dropping babies in the dumpster, because in most cases the babies will be dead before they are discovered.
One advantage of legalizing baby bin is that it will rescue a lot of babies whose lives would have been lost otherwise. And no one can tell what those babies can become tomorrow or how much they will contribute to their country and the world at large. Imagine what the US would have lost, if Obama or Thomas Edison has died on the dumpster as a baby.
The disadvantage is that, legalizing baby bin may encourage more women to abandon their babies, especially disable children.
Another dis merit is that legalizing baby bin violate the right of a child to know his or her parents. It also downgrades and neglects the responsibility of the parents to take care of their children.