The king believed he was the only one who could cope with monsters.
King Hrothgar made an offer to Beowulf. If he consented to slaughter Grendel's mother, he would receive a jeweled sword, 7,000 hides, land, a hall, and his own reign.
<h3>Who is Grendels' Mother?</h3>
Grendel's mother was a 'aglaec-wif,' or 'female warrior.' There is no necessity to inject the concept of monstrosity or suffering here any more than there is in line 1519, when she is referred to as merewif, which simply means "water-woman," or "woman of the mere."
Grendel's mother depicts the perils that await anybody who ventures into the unknown, whether in the world or within oneself.
Learn more about Beowulf:
C I think southwest
I am not sure bt I think it should be south
All of above hope this helps mark me brainliset
<span>The percentage of enslaved Africans imported into the Caribbean Islands and Brazil suggest that the racial makeup of these areas was predominantly European</span>
Ask bachendri not us okkk