These engines were very useful to move machinery in mills, factories, pumping stations and transportationapplications. In the field of transport,steam engines were often used inlocomotives, ships and other land vehicles. Steam machines were of great importance in their application in the field of agriculture.
can take the case to a higer court
La Revolución Francesa también influyó en la política estadounidense, ya que las facciones pro y antirrevolucionarias buscaron influir en la política nacional y exterior estadounidense. ... Sin embargo, con el cambio revolucionario también vino la inestabilidad política, la violencia y los llamados a un cambio social radical en Francia que asustó a muchos estadounidenses.
Portuguese explorers began voyages south along the Atlantic coast of Africa. First the Portuguese established trading posts along the coast of West Africa, but gradually moved further south along the coast. This was the beginning of the African slave trade. The Europeans is different from the Arabs, they did not conduct raids themselves, but bought slaves from Arab slave brokers and African chiefs. Europeans built trading post and forts all along the coast of West Africa. The slaves were transported across the Atlantic Ocean primarily to Brazil, the West Indies and the English colonies in North America. As the demand for slaves expanded, whole areas of Africa were depopulated. The European African slave trade began during the mercantalist era. It continued well into the industrial era. In fact because African slaves played a major role in the industrial revolution in Europe.
Ethiopia purchased modern weapons from France and Russia.
Ethiopia won its wars against Italy and has successfully secured its sovereignty because they bought some artillery pieces from Russia. Russia also supported Ethiopia with military advisers and army training. United Kingdom and France also supported Ethiopia to prevent Italy from becoming their colonial competitor.