I can help you to some extent
<span> When a new innovation hits a country it is a great shock, especially when it is something so abnormally positive. The railroad was one of those innovative milestones in the history of the human imagination... </span>
<span>And so the British government official, who would most definitely be highly educated, would probably be in an excited and optimistic state of mind, because he's witnessing such a cool thing. So he would be confident in the material he is talking about and persuasive to the nonindustrial country.</span>
The Anderson National Historic Site Located at Andersville, Georgia.

The word "New Right" appeared during the 1964 presidential campaign of Barry Goldwater to designate "the emergence, in response to liberalism (in the American sense of the term [i.e. social liberalism]), of an uninhibited right: ultraconservative, imbued with religious values, openly populist, anti-egalitarian,
When Benjamin Martin said this he was trying to say if America can be an independent country, if I where there at that time depending which ever side im on, if im a colonist the I would say that american colonists can govern themselves.