Rites of passage are important occasions of somebody's life. For example, puberty, marriage, having children and death.
“The Bass, the River, and Shelia Mant”
14 year-old boy asks Sheila out. They go to the cinema by boat. The boy covers the fishing rod and fails to catch a big bass. Then he is upset.
12 year-old boy goes out on a date with a girl for the first time. They go to the drugstore on foot. He has an orange in his pocket. She picks a chocolate. They take each other's hands. He peels the orange and she opens the chocolate.
He is well liked and respected among his friends who find him entertaining company. He was once attracted to Beatrice but refuses to admit he still has feelings for her. Benedick hates being outwitted by Beatrice but, when he realises his true feelings, is loyal and protective to her.
Twain's The adventure of Huckleberry Finn is the excerpt which is about loyalty and friendship between two persons. The subject of the excerpt helps the readers to identify the theme. The subject helps audience to understand the theme of friendship and loyalty.
The answers are, 1.) It supports the idea that the burglary was planned in advance by men who were not career criminals or “typical” burglars. 2.) It suggests that the burglary was complicated and needed to be deliberately planned. 3.) It creates an unbiased tone, which allows the facts to speak for themselves.