Answer: Willian Penn arrived in Pennsylvania in 1692, a colony of the New World (referring to the ancient name of newly discovered America) when he was granted a royal charter by King Charles II.
Explanation: Pennsylvania is the most successful English colonies. William Penn was a Son of naval admiral and was a friend of King Charles II and his brother Duke of York. he joined a religious group of Quakers who believed that ministers were unnecessary and everyone should act according to their own "Inner Light". They started civil disobedience, they stopped paying taxes and they ware regarded as dangerous to England and Anglican Church. After his father's death, he inherited a debt that Charles II owed to his father, he acquired a Royal charter as a payment of debt and he decided to make his own colony as a safe haven for Quakers. He wrote his own constitution of the colony with three important points: 1) Equality for all 2) Right to Vote 3)Purchase of land. Religious tolerance was a prominent feature of his colony.
The Jamestown colonies were founded to gain profit. -The Massachusetts Bay Colony was never interested in money. Their goal was to create a religious Utopia that would shine back on the old Catholic church in England and show them that their take on religion is correct after all.