The Great Barrier Reef is special because it is by far the largest reef in the world. It is consisted of around 2,900 individual reefs. The size of this reef is approximately as the size of Germany. There are over 900 islands that are stretched over 2,600 km along the the reef. The Great Barrier Reef is so marking and big, that even though it is below water it can actually be seen from space. The ecological importance of this reef is enormous as it is a home for thousands of species, with approximately 10% of all fish species in the world living in it. Because of its beauty and numerous attractions, the Great Barrier Reef is one of the most visited tourist destinations, and the Australian economy manages to generate between 5 and 6 billion Australian Dollars annually from it. Unfortunately, all of the human activity has been affecting this reef very negatively, and little by little part of it is dying out.
Genes carry the information that determines your traits (say: trates), which are features or characteristics that are passed on to you — or inherited — from your parents. Each cell in the human body contains about 25,000 to 35,000 genes.
If I would have the chance to encourage people I would like them to use renewable energies that are good for the environment and enlighten them to use automobiles that respond to this.
Second, I would invite them to get more ideas and do output on recycling used materials that can be found in their garbage.
In my opinion, the reason why the fossils spread so far apart is because there was a worldwide flood at some point in history. There is proof of this in one of my personal favorite books.
c. population center and main roads