Saul, Hebrew Shaʾul, (flourished 11th century bc, Israel), first king of Israel. According to the biblical account found mainly in I Samuel, Saul was chosen king both by the judge Samuel and by public acclamation.
The converts of itinerant revivalists organized grassroots classes that reinforced family and community values and became the foundations for Methodist churches.
Roving ministers hand-selected so-called settled ministers to continue their work once the circuit riders moved on.
Embarrassed converts redoubled their commitments to mainline churches once the revivalists left.
The converts of itinerant revivalists organized grassroots classes that reinforced family and community values and became the foundations for Methodist churches.
Circuit riders stopped to settle down in a specific town or village after a set period of roaming ministry
In 19th century, at the early time there was succession of religious revivals which was regarded as "Second Great Awakening" and this brought about revive of religious landscape.Revivalist preachers passed across the land extending message of spiritual and moral renewal, the preacher made use of horseback. And it took place at
Cane Ridge(Kentucky) and this took over a week. It should be noted that the religious revivals actually contribute to stability on the frontier in such a way that the converts of itinerant revivalists organized grassroots classes that reinforced family and community values and became the foundations for Methodist churches
Damocles is a character who appears in an (likely apocryphal) anecdote commonly referred to as "the Sword of Damocles", an allusion to the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power. Damocles was an obsequious courtier in the court of Dionysius II of Syracuse, a 4th-century
I don't know how he died sorry.