The answer to the question above is the Mali Empire became the world's largest producer of gold and Mansa Musa spread the Islam on Mali Empire.
The effects of Mansa Musa's rule on Mali Empire and West Africa is the Mali Empire became the world's largest producer of gold. He also spread the Islamic religion on Mali Empire and he made a pilgrimage to Mecca.
By The Italian peninsula was inhabited principally by several native tribes before the Greeks settled there and the Etruscans rose to prominence sometime after 800 B.C.E. The Greeks founded several city-states in the south of the peninsula and in Sicily, and the Etruscans rose to power on the western coast where they brought their culture to the Latin peoples settled in small villages along the Tiber River. Here, three centuries later, a prosperous urban center called Rome would emerge. Rome flourished under the Etruscans but the Latin population resented sovereign Etruscan rule and joined with other indigenous tribes in a rebellion.
Tradición es cada una de aquellas pautas de convivencia que una comunidad considera dignas de constituirse (en este caso indígenas). Después de esto sigue como una parte integral de sus usos y costumbres y se mantiene para que sean aprendidas por las nuevas generaciones, como parte indispensable del legado cultural.