The cotton gin, because it separated cotton seeds from rock out in which was safer, and more efficient.
The Water loom/ water frame was a large spinning machine that was powered by water to produce cotton yarn suitable for warp.
The power loom it wove thread automatically, which was quicker and really helpful.
Becahse during a debate on the Constitution many of the states had insisted that the Bill of Rights be added and then became one of the first task of the new Congress they also moved quickly because the bill of rights aims to protect people against abuses by the federal government and they wanted Americans to know that
whose lives were at risk if they stayed behind.
By 1974, it became certain that the Republic of Vietnam would fall. Thousand of southern Vietnamese were escaping by sea and air. The Northern Vietnamese troops were at the border of the southern capital of Saigon by April 1975. The President of the United States gave order for the evacuation of U.S civilians and the Vietnamese who were at risk. Around seven thousand people were evacuated by airlifts in the final phase of evacuation called Operation Frequent wind.
Hitlers Family Doctor was a Jew. The doctor failed to save his mothers like (who he was very very close to) leading to her death from Breast cancer.
Because u need the light element