the end or close; final part. the last main division of a discourse, usually containing a summing up of the points and a statement of opinion or decisions reached. ... final decision: The judge has reached his conclusion. a reasoned deduction or inference.
The following scientific discoveries might be taught in the future.
- Edible water blobs.
- Helium balloons that travel to space.
- Autonomous cars.
- 3D printing.
- Existence of Dark Matter.
- Sequencing Genome of Cancer Patient.
- Creation of Human Organs.
- Water as Fuel.
- Face Transplants.
- Carpet alarm clocks.
- Hyper-loop.
- Pod taxis.
- GeeFi, a device that offers unlimited wi-fi anywhere in the world.
- Robotic Body Parts.
- T. Rex Tissue.
- Advancement in HIV Cure.
<span>C. the amount of pressure the solvent is under</span>