While listening think about the musical elements of melody and harmony. From your research for your powerpoint, you should have
found that melody is a main musical idea. Another way to think of melody is a sequence of an easily recognizable pattern of pitch and rhythm that is generally pleasing to the ear. Harmony is the sounding of more than one note at the same time. There are many different ways to create harmony, and they are directly related to texture. Examples of this can be found in the different types of texture. For example homophonic texture uses harmonies that create blocks of sound below the main melody line. In contrast a polyphonic texture will use the melody or a variety of melodic material to create harmony.
Review the resource below, and especially the section on meldoy and harmony.
Follow this link: https://www.jwpepper.com/Dirait-On/1949080.item#/. Listen to the example recording by clicking on the speaker, or listen and follow along with the music by clicking the paper icon under "preview". In 400 words or less answer the following prompts:
a. How would you describe the main melody and its development? Is there a secondary melody?
b. How is the melody(ies) used to create harmony in this piece?
The characteristic of Renaissance style that was not abandoned is the naturalistic realism of the faces depicted in this work of art. Parmigianino's painting featured a sophisticated combination of colors and the rightful proportions of the body and face except for the long neck which made the artwork significant in its own way.
Renaissance craftsmanship changed convention by the ingestion of late improvements in the specialty of Northern Europe and by use of logical knowledge. The utilization of point of view foreshortening, sfumato and Chiaroscuro were presented amid this time.