'He pulled his legs out of the lake and crawled on his hands and knees until he was away from the wet-soft shore and near a small stand of brush of some kind.'
The door creaked and a rectangle of light fell onto the magazine that I was reading. I looked up to a boy who had come into the lobby was a stranger, about nineteen, tall and thin.
"Looking for someone?" I asked.
"No," the boy said. His long fingers trembled as they fumbled with the buttons of his coat.
"Well, may I help you with something?"
"No." The boy dropped his coat onto the worn tweed sofa and sat down slowly. In the light from the window his pale cheeks gleamed as if wet.
He's sick, I thought, while walking over to him. A narrow hand reached out and seized my wrist, cold, strong fingers twining around my arm like vines or snakes. I try to fight the impulse to pull away, looking down instead into the boy's troubled, grey eyes.
<span>'The best holiday I ever had' The best holiday I ever had was when I went to Florida with my family. When my Dad told me I was very excited because it was going to be my first time in the 'sun shine state of America'. I asked my dad when where we going and he said 'we are going on the 26TH July and coming home on the9th August' but the bad thing was I had to wait two months to go. Time flew by and the next thing I knew I was packing my suitcase, I packed in lots of t-shirts and shorts. My mum packed in lots of bottles of sun cream because she is the one who goes on and on saying 'be careful in the sun'. After all the bags were packed into the boot we all were on our way to fourteen days of sunshine. When we got to the airport we left our luggage with the airport staff to put it on to the plane....</span>
Does cow gives us milk? is the answer
It helps build their confidence