The total amount that Eric will borrow will be = 43114311+33503350+13391339 = 90009000.
Now to calculate WACC, we will apply the WACC formula:
WACC = (43114311/90009000)*0.66 + (33503350/90009000)*0.88 + (13391339/90009000)*14.14
WACC = 274.74%
The solution was very simple, we just applied the WACC formula by taking the total amount of debt in the denominator of each of the loans taken and multiplied it by the interest rate on which it is taken.
Hope this helps, although I think the values in the question are not correct, but nonetheless I have provide the correct solution according to the given values.
It is 16.9
Operating cycle = Inventory turnover + Receivable turn over - payable turnover
Hence, Operating cycle = 7.3+9.6
Operating cycle implies how long it takes us to convert entire production process to cash .
It has an direct relationship with the level of working capital required. The higher the operating cycle, the higher the working capital investment required to keep the operation running.
A cash driven businesses like restaurant which hardly sell on credit will certainly have shorter operating cycle compared to a manufacturing company.
Workforce diversity challenges, technological challenges, and economic challenges
The challenges (trends) Consolidation Tech Plus (CTP), Inc. Should be aware of in the environment of human resource management that require HR to play a more central role in this growing organization are :
Workforce diversity challenges includes Acceptance and Respect, Accommodation of Beliefs ,Ethnic and Cultural Differences,
Gender Equality among others
Technological challenges includes Information security, Risk management and governance,
Regulatory compliance, Technology integration and upgradation, Resource management among others
Economic challenges includes Conflict and Poverty, Competing in a New Era of Globalization,Global Imbalances,Rise of New Powers among others
Letter A is correct. <u>Its licensing partner, the Oriental Land Company reaped the windfall, because the partner who bore the risk was also likely to be the biggest beneficiary from any upside gain. </u>
When analyzing the other Disneylandia around the world, we can see a different case in Tokyo Disneylandia, which is the first in the world that does not belong entirely to Disney. Upon being opened under a license agreement in Tokyo, Disney receives only a royalty fee, and Oriental Land Company receives a substantially favorable profit from the existing value of the Disney brand in the world, and from its stable and well-structured operations model .
So in this license agreement, Disney controls the creative part of the business, and the Oriental Land Company operates the business, which means that there are profitable advantages for both companies.