A person can be anxious when making an important decision when faced with a problem at work. Types of disorders are;
1. Generalized anxiety disorder symptoms include
a) irritability
b) muscle tension
c)Being easily fatigued.
2. Panic disorder symptoms include
a)feeling of being out of control during a panic attack.
b)Repeated and sudden attack of intense fear.
3. Social anxiety symptoms
a)Having a very hard time making friends.
b)feelings of self-conscious in front of other people
c)Staying away from where other people are.
9. 1 Hudson highlands andadinorack mountains
10.4 rock salt
Answer: The plant becomes self-sufficient when leaves grow onto it.
Explanation: The leaves will start photosynthesis instead of the Cotyledons providing nourishment for the seed.
It is true. The Mauna Kea Silversword is highly endangered flowering plant endemic which is Hawaii island. Mauna Kea silversword is a member of the silversword alliance. The group has fifty species in the three genera of endemic Hawaii islands.
It is an erect, monocarpic single-stemmed, basically wordy herb, spirally arranged. The leaves are being covered with a dense layer of long silvery hairs, the leaves have essential ability to store water as a gel in the intracellular spaces whereby the other plants leaves they contain air in them.