laws banning the manufacturer, sale, and consumption of alcohol
To help eliminate problems like criminal activity, binge drinking, drunk driving, deaths, and more
At the core of the samurai beliefs was their honor code known as bushido, but the bushido code was just the natural result of the three most important religions and philosophies the samurai followed – Shintoism, Confucianism, and Zen Buddhism.
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His rise to power was the result of many factors: the impact of the Depression, the weaknesses of Weimar democracy and the strengths of the Nazi party.
In his work, Politics Drawn from the Very Words of the Holy Scripture, the French bishop and theologian Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet (1627–1704) presented a convincing and rational argument in support of absolutism. ... Bossuet also intended his work to impress upon rulers the heavy responsibility that the throne entailed.
A communist system of government is an economic system where the government plans and controls the economy with a single party governing and administering power that is authoritarian in nature. The state controls are imposed with an elimination of the privatisation of property or capital with a claim to make progress towards a higher social order where goods and services are equally shared among the people i.e, the classless society.