In 1989, a group of students led a protest in Tiananman Square, in Central China. After the Cultural Revolution has ended with the death Mao Zedong in 1979, there was economic and civil unrest. Because of this movement spearheaded by Mao, China faced poverty that they had never seen before. Shortly before his death Dong Xioaping was made the de facto leader of China in 1978. Reforms were set up by him and this led to a huge downturn. Deaths of prime political figures and a disembodied education system were to follow in only 11 years time. In 1989, a group of brave students took arms in the forms of words and signs to protest to demand scholarships for higher education, these "riots" were seen by the un-democratic and corrupt government of China as a threat, and military action was taken. It resulted in a huge causality rate, that of a massacre.
Know Tank Man? Research him, I'll think you'll recognize him.
The first was Pyrrhonism, was founded by Pyrrho of Elis (c. 360–270 BCE). The second was Academic Skepticism, so-called because its two leading defenders, Arcesilaus (c. 315–240 BCE) who initiated the philosophy, and Carneades (c. 217–128 BCE), the philosophy's most famous proponent, were heads of Plato's Academy. hope this helps
d actual footage of the vietnam war