To start off, we will need to write an equation. Before we solve, let’s write the formula for a circumference.
C= 2πr
Step 2: Substitute numbers
Now that we have the equation, we need to substitute the information shown in the shape. Let’s substitute r in the equation with 10.5. We will do this because this is the radius of the circle. We will not be using 14.8 since it does not go to the center of the circle. Let’s replace r now.
C= 2πr C= 2π10.5
Step 3: Solve
Let’s solve for the circumference using the equation we have created. To make it easier, we will add a multiplication sign in between each number before we solve.
C= 2π10.5 C= 2 × π × 10.5 C≈ 65.97
The circumference is approximately 65.97. Since we are asked to round to the nearest tenth, the circumference will need to be rounded up. Let’s do this now.
C≈ 65.97 C≈ 66.0
This is your answer. Hope this helps! Comment below for more questions.