It should be.... the Napoleonic Wars.
Although the people of the Byzantine Empire considered themselves Roman, the East was influenced by Greek culture, rather than the Latin of the West. People spoke Greek and wore Greek-styled clothing... The Byzantine Empire was influenced by the Hellenistic culture created by the conquests of Alexander the Great.
During the Cultural Revolution, bourgeois intellectual were sent to re-education camps to be taught in a communist ideology. Many of them were teachers and professors in charge of the education of the common people. But their ideology didn't match the communist one, so they were sent to these camps to be taught how was like to be a peasant or a common person who had to work hard to survive. This movement despised intellectual labor and valued hand labor.
Answer: A
Explanation: he went to the coast of Veracruz, México, and from there he traveled to Tlaxcala, Cholula, and eventually reached the Great City of Tenichtitlán (today Mexico City)
It freed the serfs who had been bound on the land for 10 or more years