The city manager creates the budget for approval by the city council, and oversees the execution of the laws created and passed by the city council; in addition, the city manager is responsible for advising the council on policies and appointing department heads.
Settlers needed water for immigration and mining because most of the land is desert. Women in the West often had more rights than women in other regions of the U.S because...... Their labor was needed for their families to survive. The issue of water rights was important in early Cali bc.....
Prior to the outbreak of the Civil War, the election of 1860 increased sectional tensions of the United States by lifting pro-union, anti-slavery statesman, Abraham Lincoln into the Presidency. In reaction, the Southern States protested in many ways, but in no more dramatic way than, one by one, seceding.
Germans are elite and belong to the master Aryan race.
Hitler's idea of master race of "germanic race" meant germans belonged to the aryan race that was held as most pure.