that one variable precedes the other in time, that the two variables are correlated and that this relationship is not spurious.
In <em>Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Generilized Causal Inference</em> (2002), researchers Cook and Campbell present a set of conditions that must be met in order to establish a valid causal relationship: <u>one variable precedes the other in time</u> (temporal precedence), <u>the two variables are correlated</u> (covariation), <u>and that this relationship is not spurious</u> (no third variable is present).
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An Essay on Man is written by Alexander Pope.
Its a philosophic essay written in the form of couplets which followed Iambic Pentameter and it was considered to be a part of a large compilation which Pope never completed. Pope represented the enlightenment era. Pope insisted that humans must have the heart to accept their place in the god's system. Pope' work is fragmentary philosophical. He highlighted the significance of human birth and the presence of supreme power.
According to pope humans are bestowed with a limited intellectual powers to comprehend the God' plan. he also said that the ignorance to realize God' presence does not negate the omnipresent aspect of divinity. He also declares that there is a scheme of life in god' s system and humans must accept it.
Earth can be considered as a closed system, since it only receives sunlight (energy), while the overall mass stays constant, without (almost) any exchange from space. Another example of a closed system is a saucepan or frying pan, on a stove, when its lid is closed.