The correct option is A
To determine if water temperature has an effect on weathering of sedimentary rocks, different number (perhaps three) of identical sedimentary rocks should be obtained and then individually placed in different water temperatures (with at least one of the "water volumes" used for each having a temperature close to the room temperature so as to be used as the control).
Thus, each of the identical sedimentary rock can be broken into three and placed individually; as in one part of the rock in 20 °C of water (control), another part of the rock in 40 °C and another in 60 °C of water.
This above procedure should be repeated for the remaining two other identical sedimentary rock to confirm if there is any effect.
Monoculture involves crop rotation as one of its elements.
The excessive alcohol consumption of the mother.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy harms the developing baby, the foetus. This is because alcohol passes from the mother's blood to the baby's blood and this affects the growth of the baby's cell.
This causes severe damage to the cells of the brain and the spinal cord.
FASD - Fetal Alcohol Spectrums Disorder is characterised by growth and developmental problems and it can range from mild to severe.
Example is the baby having small head, narrow eye and behavioural problems later in life.
The answer is, 43 km/hr . Speed is,
So we will divide the given distance to the given time, so :
A. brain's use of incoming signals to construct perceptions
Bottom-up processing involves processing information by starting with the individual elements of a visual stimulus and gradually building up a final representation and interpretation.
The evidence of bottom-down processing by Hubel and Wiesel showed that we have neurons that pick up specific elements of a visual stimulus and then they are assembled into a more complex form.