Here are the answers for the matching type part:
<span>A .A reflection of brazil's poverty - FAVELA
B.this commodity is partially responsible for the deforestation of the amazon.- LIVESTOCK
C. the biggest economic threat to political stability in south America - GAP BETWEEN THE RICH AND POOR
D. world famous for it's coffee beans - COLOMBIA
E.inspired the budding formation of a south American Trade Agreement. - NAFTA
Other answers for #s 6 and 7:
6. the economic prosperity of South America.D. decreased following World War I because Europe no longer needed war materials that South America.
7. because of diminishing trade with Europe following World War I, South America Became? <span>B. more dependent on wealthier countries such a the U.S. and Great Britain by accepting foreign aid. </span></span>
The nation returned to isolationism
<span>Cattle ranching is the leading cause of deforestation</span>
The English <span>Parliament
Punishment is the correct answer