latency stage of development
latent means hidden. No further psychosexual development is taking place during this time. Studies shows that during the latent stage most sexual urges were repressed and sexual energy could be sublimated.
The latent period is a time of exploration in which the sexual energy repressed or dormant, this motivation is sublimated into other fields such as intellectual pursuits and social interactions.
The answer is Except their water.
Amazon Rain forest is rich in Oil, Medicinal Plants, and it create about 20 % of world's oxygen, but people around the world doesn't rely on their water so much
The nurse disclosed room number of patient and also the diagnosis.
Even if the nurse has not disclosed the name of patient, she disclosed other details of patient like the room number or diagnosis. Such kind of information when revealed breaches client confidentiality.
In most instances, inappropriate leaks of information are accidental. Nurses may think that information they posted is private, however, in reality the information posted can be accessible shared to many other recipients. Also, there may be instances when the information deleted from a site can be still accessed by using other means.
I learned it in 5th grade