raspberry jam - benedict's solution
honey - benedict's solution
ground turkey - biuret reagent
oatmeal - iodine
Benedict's test is a test used to confirm simple carbohydrates. it helps in identifying reducing sugars that have free ketone or aldehyde functional groups. Raspberry jam has mainly carbohydrates that can be tested by this indicator.
An iodine test is for the determination of starch which is a non-reducing sugar such as oatmeal
Sudan IV (C24H20N4O) is used for the presence of staining of lipids, triglycerides and lipoproteins. There is no food item given that has a proper amount of fat or lipid
Beuret reagent is a protein testing reagent that shows the presence of the protein. Ground turkey has a huge amount of protein that can be indicated by this
The mass of a star determines its life cycle, that is, more the mass, shorter will be its life cycle. The mass of the star is determined by the concentration of matter, which is found within its nebula. In the nebula, with time, the hydrogen gas comes in close proximity with each other due to gravity and starts to spin.
With the brisk spinning, the gas heats up and turns into a protostar. The temperature now reaches 15,000,000 degrees and within the core of the cloud, the phenomenon of nuclear fusion takes place. The cloud now contracts a little, starts to glow brightly, and turns stable. The cloud now becomes a prime sequence star, and will stay in this phase for millions of years, the Sun of our galaxy is in this stage at the moment.
Image result for Is work done when you carry a book across the room at a constant velocity
Work is not done when you carry an object forward. You may have learnt that carrying an object and moving horizontally at a constant velocity has no work done. The truth is, there is a slight amount of work done due to overcoming air resistance in the horizontal direction.
increases; protein denaturation occurs
One of the characteristic of enzymes is the sensitivity to temperature .
Enzymes are sensitive to the changes in the environmental temperature.The enzymatic activities increases with increase in temperature,up to the optimum of 37 degrees in most animals.
However,once the optimum temperature has been exceeded,enzyme activities drops.This is because below optimum the rate of collision between the enzyme active sites and substrate molecules is very high,therefore more products are formed which increases the rate of reactions.
At temperature above the optimum,the high temperature breaks the bonds,especially the hydrogen bonds holding the 3D structure of the active sites.Therefore,substrate molecules can not fit into the active site,and therefore enzymatic actives of the enzyme is affected,and the enzyme is said to be denatured
Fungi has a cell wall but no chloroplasts.