1. French military had come to American's aid
2. British citizens were tiring of the cost warring with the colonies
Once the Americans decided that that will fight for independence, it was all or nothing. The Americans were willing to fight, and they had lot of motivation and desire, but the problem was that they lacked weapons, proper military training and organization. This caused problems because the British army was the total opposite, having the newest weapons at disposal, good organization, and excellent military training. Even though there were some wins on the battlefield, the Americans started to get very concern, as as the things were going eventually the British army would defeat them. This all changed though when the French decided to get involved. The French had big interest in this conflict, one was to make the British weaker, and the second to have a new. large, powerful ally in the Americas. The navy of the French created chaos among the British, as many ships got destroyed. This resulted in disruption in the communication between the navy and the troops on the land. The organization quickly start to fall apart, and on top of it, they were not able to mobilize the loyalists on American soil. Eventually this led to win of the Americans and gaining independence, while the British lost a valuable colony in the New World.
The British citizens were also becoming very frustrated with the situation. The reason for this was that they were getting tired of constantly being in war with some of their colonies. Instead of having the colonies for their benefit, they were actually causing lot of troubles, which also led to economic problems, so the people were simply willing to give up on many of the colonies.
Thomas Paine was a Political Philosopher in the United States. In his writings, he stated the need for a Declaration of independence from Great Britain. The Pamphlets written by Thomas Paine include Common sense, Right of man and American crisis.
Common sense- It is an article that particularly talked about the Independence of America from Great Britain. It is divided into four parts. These parts explain the government of Britain and the Constitution. It talks about the Monarchical system, the current state of the United States and America's capability.
Generally, it criticizes the Monarchical system of governance by Britain and the major fact that the Monarchs are only in government to "declare wars" and apportion lands, nothing else. He further advises that America is permitted to revolt against the British Monarchy.
Right of a man- According to Thomas Paine, there are some rights accrued to a person in a society and that these rights should in no way be curtailed. In this essay, he states that revolution against the political structure of a state is allowed where the government does not protect the natural rights of the people.
American crisis- American crisis- this pamphlet also referred to the Revolutionary War between America and Great Britain. He also referred to the bible as he states that God will be of great help in the revolution.
Answer: Arias are typically heard in opera after a dramatic pause when a character is pondering on their feelings. The majority of arias are lyrical, having a hummable melody, and many feature musical repetition. Arias are found in oratorios, cantatas, and other vocal genres in addition to opera.
A noblemen, they were the only ones who could afford it