Jose, 7 years old, and his mother live alone in a one-bedroom apartment close to his school. Most afternoons Jose walks home alo
ne, lets himself into their apartment, and watches television until his mother comes home from work. His favorite after-school snack consists of potato chips and a soda or fruit drink. For dinner, Jose's mother usually brings something home from a local fast food restaurant because she is "too tired to cook." She knows this isn't good for either one of them. Jose's mother is currently being treated for high blood pressure, and the pediatrician has expressed concern about Jose's continued weight gain. However, Jose's mother doesn't see how she can change anything given her work schedule and limited income. question : what concerns would you have about jose's safety?
He is too young to walk home alone to an apartment.he is too young to be home alone by him self. He spend too much time alone and he could get in trouble,because at that age he does not have any life experiences to know the right from wrong or good from evil some thing could happen to him from the time he gets out of school and when his mom finally gets home,no one would even know about it. He has a poor diet and a poor role model he will have many health issues in the future.he may also feel deppressed and alone
He is too young to walk home alone to an apartment. He is too young to be home alone by himself. He spends too much time alone & could get into trouble, because at that age he does not have the life experiences to know right from wrong or good from evil. Something could happen to him from the time he gets out of school and when his mom finally gets home, and no one would even know about it. He has a poor diet & a poor roll model. He will have many health issues in his future. He may also feel isolated & alone.
Sure! How about a cat standing in front of a mirror looking at its reflection. Instead of seeing its true reflection (reality), it sees itself as a great big lion (perception).
The young men could not uproot the tree themselves so they asked the chief for help, the chief was able to uproot and bring the tree to its side so when the wife went to balance herself on the branches, she fell in a body of water below it.