Step-by-step explanation: i took a quiz with this on it
Well if it pumps 4 2/5 per minute that is equal to 4 4/10 in a minute or 4.4 because you multiply the top and bottom of the fraction by two. it’s still the same fraction but it is easy to convert to a decimal now. you could use this fraction but it’s much easier to use decimals. Because the first number is a decimal you should make the second one a decimal too. To do this you need to know that 1/4 of 100 is 25. so now we have these numbers and all you do now is divide 17.25 by 4.4 which could be rounded to 4 because it’s a long decimal
The answer is C. -0.25; the rate at which Martin's distance from the finish line changes per minute
the question is not complete. but with the information you gave 6% of 12000 is 720, the number of students increase by 720 each year