1. Joe(S) and I(S) love(V) archery and target shooting.
2. He(S) hopes(V) to overcome his fear of public speaking before the graduation ceremony.
3. Joe (S) and Lisa(S) are(V) outstanding parents.
Verbs pretty much always come after the subjects, which are usually the introduction to the sentence (at the beginning) :)
When they build a fire, why didn't they set Katniss' tree on fire?
I looked this question up and found the underlined word is "declaration" and that it is supposed to be used as a verb in the new sentence.
After reframing the sentence, we have:
The collector declared the local holiday.
The noun "declaration" is formed by adding the suffix -ation to the verb "declare". To use the verb in the sentence, we will need to make quite a few changes. The simplest way to do it is by using the active voice, which makes "collector" the new subject and demands the use of a verb to express the action of declaring. With that in mind, we can reframe the sentence in the following manner:
The collector declared the local holiday.
The verb "declared" is in the past form because the original sentence also used a past structure.
Um maybe a roleplay game like um sims where u can design a character to look like u and make homes and stuff