At the end of the 19th century, it was German sociologist and author of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905), Max Weber who was the first to use and describe the term bureaucracy. This is also known as the bureaucratic theory of management, bureaucratic management theory or the Max Weber theory.
Answer: mean monthly income = $5000
In any normal distribution, the median and mean are the same value.
The proof is as follows:
If mean > median was the case, then the distribution would be skewed to the right (ie positively skewed). The right tail is pulled longer than the left tail. But this would contradict the symmetrical nature of the normal distribution. So mean > median must not be the case.
If mean < median, then the distribution would be skewed to the left (negatively skewed). Visually this pulls the left tail longer than the right tail. Like in the previous paragraph, this contradicts the symmetrical nature of the normal distribution. So mean < median must not be the case.
Since mean > median cannot be true, and neither can mean < median, this must indicate mean = median.
So in short, any symmetrical distribution always has mean = median and they are at the very center of the distribution.
Calculation to determine the cost recovery deduction for 2020
2020 cost recovery deduction = $10,000 × 17.49% × ½
2020 cost recovery deduction = $874.50
Therefore the cost recovery deduction for 2020 is $874.50
This is false.
In reporting reserves aggregate there are lags interest rate such as the federal interest rate are quite easy to measure and easily observable. Such short term interest rate are nominal values and they do not measure the real cost of borrowing well. It does not show accurately what happens to Gross domestic product. Real interest rate equals nominal interest rate as a ratio of reduced inflation gives a representation of true cost of borrowing.
We cannot say with certainty that interests rate is a better policy instrument based on the ground of measurability.