Uses precise language to describe what Tan saw.
The short narrative essay "Fish Cheeks" by Amy Tan recounts the Christmas Eve dinner that her family had arranged with the minister's family in their home. Being a Chinese in America, Amy recounts how she was left anxious about inviting the boy who's her crush and his family over for dinner and worries that he might think them inferior.
The given line from the short essay is Amy describing what she saw when her mother was preparing for the dinner. Her mother's act of removing <em>"black veins out of the backs of fleshy prawns"</em> presents <u>the use of precise language that describes what she saw her mother do</u>.
Thus, the correct answer is the first option.
Frankenstein is a Gothic novel by the English writer Mary Shelley, first published anonymously in 1818. The book tells the life of the scientist Victor Frankenstein, who through his research managed to understand the mystery of the origin of life and learn to revive lifeless matter, creating an artificial person from corpse parts. Later, horrified by the being he had created, he renounces his creation, abandoning him to his fate. The monster, hated by people for his corpse appearance, begins to pursue his creator, first asking him to help him and later with aims of revenge. Frankenstein combines elements of Gothic novels, romantic literature in general, and science fiction; In addition, books such as Paradise Lost or the Legend of Prometheus also served as inspiration for the author.
"On Individuality" is chapter 3 in J. S. Mill's book "On Liberty". In it, Mill discusses - even though he does not define - individuality and how happiness and achievement of superior pleasures come from it. Conformity to customs could cost a person's joy in living and his/her freedom of thought.
Individuality is directly connected to liberal democracy in the sense that such form of government allows for it to be practiced. Both ideas walk hand in hand. If a person seeks individuality, he/she is striving to think and believe whatever he/she chooses right and proper, or even most profitable. Other forms of government - such as monarchy or aristocracy -, tend to limit or, on occasion, even erase the possibility of self-expression.
It is Mill's opinion that participation in a democracy cultivates the character of the citizens. And cultivation of character is a possible definition of the word individuality. Individuality is achieved when a person is able to see him/herself respected, his/her ideas heard, even if not accepted. The necessary freedom for a person to do that - to think, talk and act on his/her own terms - comes with democracy.
They didn't want the Jews to run away and hide in cities.