.org, .gov, .edu are usually the most reliable domains when it comes to dealing with english related assignments.
.org - means the website is from an organization, without the intention of selling commercial products.
.gov - is from the government so we know that this is reliable
and .edu is usually for university websites.
Hope this helped.
This story is an important part of both Greek and Roman mythology because it is a story that connects the two cultures. I think that this story could be adapted for our current culture because it addressed issues that are still prominent in our society today. I would create a contemporary version of “Proserpine” featuring an alcoholic (Pluto) a young woman walking home from work at night (Proserpine) and an old lady who witnessed the kidnapping (Hecate).
You can elaborate on that further, I’m sure!
Make sure to include the term “Stockholm Syndrome” (look it up).
The answer is B. "Republican."
The Democratic and Republican political parties are the two major parties in America.
The correct answer is option two. The Tree of Great Peace symbolizes the friendly association among the historically powerful Native American Five Nations - Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas and Senecas. It is also an alliance of peace, companionship and unity withing this group of aborigin nations
The answer for part A is: She does not want to sing the song because thinks it is disloyal to America.
And part B is: “'When in Rome,' she said, 'do as the Romans do.' What she meant was, 'Don’t make trouble. Just sing.'”